lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Llegada de la marcha CONAMAQ liderada por la nación Qhara Qhara.

Hoy Lunes 10 de Octubre, a las 11 de la mañana ha llegado a La Paz la marcha del Conamaq, liderada por la nación Qhara-Qhara Suyus y naciones de tierras altas, en apoyo a la marcha del Tipnis, después de caminar 230 km en 2 semanas. La marcha integrada por la nación Qhara-qhara, Chuwis, Chichas, Yamparas entre otras naciones, magisterio rural, la coordinadora en defensa del tipnis Chuquisaca y estudiantes de la universidad de san francisco Xavier, sumó un total 300 personas. Estos marchistas reportaron el acoso constante de miembros de la contramarcha financiada por el gobierno, la cual aún no llega a la paz e informaron del intento oficialista por desintegrar esta marcha, llegando incluso diputados del movimiento al socialismo a disuadir la determinación de llegar a La Paz. El presidente de la marcha y líder de la nación Qhara-qhara Suyus Samuel Flores, dijo que “ esta marcha es una continuación de la VIII marcha de los indígenas de tierras bajas, que no están solos” y pidió al Presidente Morales evitar la confrontación entre bolivianos. Su compañera Marta de Flores expresó que “500 años no vencieron la lucha de los pueblos indígenas y ahora tampoco seremos vencidos”. El acto se realizó en el atrio de la iglesia de San Francisco, donde la marcha fue recibida por la vigilia de la coordinadora en defensa del tipnis la paz, donde luego de un ritual hicieron uso de la palabra representantes del parque nacional Sajama, el líder de la nación Chuwis y estudiantes universitarios. Samuel Flores recalcó el carácter pacífico de esta marcha que “sólo pide el respeto a la constitución política del estado”. Mañana el Conamaq viaja a sumarse a la VIII marcha de los indígenas de tierras bajas, mientras otra parte permanecerá en la vigilia de La Paz.

TIPNIS: Los que vivimos lejos

Carlos F Toranzos
Esa la sensación de que los que vivimos lejos no tenemos idea de lo que acontece en la tierra nuestra.
Si decimos algo que critica, se nos acusa de faltos de contacto, si decimos algo que vanagloria, somos virtuosos.
Basta ya!!! Sabemos dónde estamos y ponemos nuestra opinión donde corresponde. La distancia, gracias la globalización de la información, no es exclusiva de los que quieren adjudicarse verdades.
Los TIPNIS parece que ahora son los que han dejado al gobierno sin mas argumento: que los que lo de defienden virtuosos y los que critican, ingenuos servidores de la derecha.
De esat bipolaridad, clásica de los que tienen el poder, estoy cansado.
Cansado de ser el que cuando opine a favor, no haya nada malo y si es en contra es todo un maremágnum de errores.
Los TIPNIS no son una aberración de la derecha, basta ya de esa absurda e irreal correlación. La mano negra del imperialismo, el efecto Libia, el efecto Egipto y Túnez, no son lo que se quiere que sean. Bolivia es Bolivia, no tiene mas preámbulo, sus líos son los de mala administración de un plan específico. Esto hace que estemos en una situación que nos pone en contra de las decisiones de gobierno.
El gobierno boliviano ha metido la pata, no el imperialismo, no las manos negras de una oposición debilitada e inexistente – basta mira a los opositores como los de derechas. El MSN es de derechas ni mucho menos, los que decimos basta tampoco.
El tema de desautorizar cualquier crítica al gobierno como si fuera una especie de “tú no entiendes” es arrogante y por demás absurda.
Yo no soy de derechas, no le hago el juego al gringo. Soy un militante de la justicia y de la paz, soy un convencido de que la vida en Bolivia debe ser más justa de lo que es. Si golpean a los TIPNIS o a los mineros soy igual de crítico. Basta ya !!! No le hago el juego a nadie, veo, analizo y reacciono.
Nadie puede decir que el gobierno ha hecho un buen trabajo con el tema de la carretera, nadie puede decir que los abusos han sido provocados, nadie puede decir que las metidas de pata del Evo son justificables. Esto no quiere decir nada más que una crítica.
Eel proceso de cambio está apoyado pero solo y únicamente dentro de las bases de una fidedigna y completa adición a la CPE. NO HAY más.
Si el imperialismo quiere aprovecharse de la situación, es del gobierno y sus inteligencias de desvelarlo no con acusaciones sino con pruebas fehacientes.¿Dónde están los agentes del imperialismo?.
Basta ya, con las dictaduras tuvimos que sufrir epítetos de lacayos del comunismo en todos los planes desestabilizadores. La izquierda no puede seguir ese tren. No más. No acepto el calificativo de anti solo porque digo que así no, así no se hace.
Sigo con la línea del cambio, sigo con la Bolivia del futuro promisor, pero no me amedrentaré ante esa Bolivia que me quiere hacer sentir agente de nadie. Soy boliviano y defenderé a los bolivianos como sea y donde sea. Si hay justicia, justicia es el término de Paz y de convivencia la aplaudiré ,si hay justicia manipulada la criticaré.
La reflexión solo es válida si se la hace con apertura y sin miedo nada ni de nadie.

Título de la eIndigenous March: “It feels like this country has a dictatorship”ntrada

Indigenous March: “It feels like this country has a dictatorship”

The Eighth Indigenous March is still kicking up dust on its trek towards the city of La Paz which they hope to get to by this weekend. This afternoon they got to the community of San Pedro after walking for eight hours (31 kilometers) from the town of Caranavi where they were given a fond farewell. With regard to the dialogue with the government of Evo Morales “we are back at the beginning. Since 15 August it has not changed much despite the various intentions of the Ministers who have wanted to distract the marchers and who failed. The failures continued on 25 (September) when the government wanted to break up the march. Since we regrouped we are determined to get to the city of La Paz because this government needs to understand that in the name of “development” it cannot marginalize and violate the rights of indigenous peoples”, said Adolfo Chávez Beyuma, President of the Confederation of Bolivian Indigenous Peoples (CIDOB) and a member of the Tacana indigenous peoples.

At five in the morning the firecrackers and loud music begin to wake up the 1,200 marchers with the aim to leave Caranavi at 6am. Tens of local residents arrive at the indigenous camp to say their goodbyes and wish the marchers good luck for the their trek to the city of La Paz. When the march was getting ready to leave Caranavi a car with a speaker went in front to tell local residents to wake up to say farewell to the march.

An elderly man hugs a journalist and says “we congratulate the brothers from the TIPNIS”. When he was told it was not a marcher but a journalist the man said “we are with them” and pointed at the lines of indigenous marchers that looked like it went on forever.

“Well done brothers!”, shouted the people of Caranavi as they applauded the march from their rooftops, many still being built. The Eighth Indigenous March passed the bridge into the last neighbourhood called Villa La Paz before getting back onto the dust and green scenery of the road towards La Paz. There they were also given a send off and as good hosts invited to return when they wanted to.

The marchers from the 36 indigenous peoples of Bolivia, and a dozen foreigners, advanced with their bows, arrows, flags and recently painted banners – because the original ones were confiscated and destroyed by the national police in an attack near to Yucumo on 25 September. Many of the marchers have rucksacks with children´s characters like Batman, Barbie and others from Walt Disney. They were donated by the population of Rurrenabaque who freed 300 marchers who were detained by the police. Inside their rucksacks they have the little they were able to salvage from the camp in Chaprina or new things populations have given to them.

The indigenous marchers stopped in the community of San Pedro at 2.30pm next to the river Coroico. In this small community of fifty families they were received with drinks for their dusty mouths. If tomorrow they advance to the community of Yolosa they would be 98 kilometers from the main square in La Paz (Plaza Murillo).

Here the marchers ask the local population for support and they give them ponochos for the rain because in the transition from the heat of the Yungas to the cold of the highlands they will cross several downpours. They will also ask for thick clothes, mainly for those from the Amazon, because when they reach the peak of the highlands it will be the coldest part covered by the indigenous march. The representatives from theNational Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ) clarify they will have no problem because they were born in that climate.

They need meat, fruit and medicines to resist the trek in the next few days. They also need water which they asked for in Caranavi because it is currently the closest town nearest to the Eighth Indigenous March. Fernando Vargas Mosúa, President of the communities of the Subcentral of the Isiboro Sécure Indigenous Territory and National Park (TIPNIS), praised the relationship the people of Caranvai established with the marchers.

“It now feels like this country has a dictatorship because everyone who defends their rights is repressed, attacked and humiliated. The people of Caranavi came to say goodbye to us because they believe our struggle is so that in the future there is respect for the rights of indigenous peoples, individuals and above all of Mother Earth, nature, biodiversity and our Big Home of the indigenous peoples, where each of us lives”, said Vargas a member of the Mojeño people.

“The people of Caranavi have understood that to see us is to have a meeting between nations, to show the country and the government that the peoples and nations of this country have to be respected, we need to support each other to take this country forward”, added Vargas. In Caranavi various indigenous peoples joined the march which now has around 1,200 people on it.

“70 people arrived from the TIPNIS. This is a big boost for us. Also people have arrive from CPILAP (La Paz Indigenous Peoples Central) and the TIM (Multi-Ethnic Indigenous Territory). This gives us more courage, but not the courage to fight, instead the courage to demand respect for our rights and that justice really is justice”, said Vargas.

Yesterday the marchers camp was visited by the Senators Gabrila Montaño and Adolfo Mendoza who presented a proposal for a law to temporarily suspend the work on the road between Villa Tunari and San Ignacio de Moxos pending a consultation and decision from those who live inside the TIPNIS on whether they want the road. This proposal was immediately rejected by the marchers. They demand the national government forms a commission comprised of indigenous deputies Pedro Nuni and Bienvenido Zacu, along with MAS parliamentarians to agree on a proposal that would protect the TIPNIS from roads and other destructive impacts.

“There is a commission of our indigenous parliamentarians that should work on a proposal for a law that guarantees the TIPNIS is not destroyed now, tomorrow or ever. Above all this law must guarantee the existence of indigenous peoples and a life in harmony with nature. If the government Senators really love this country then they should comply with the Constitution. We are not asking any government official to do us a favor or for preferential treatment for indigenous peoples. The only thing we ask for is respect for our rights”, said Vargas.

“While we continue to march our indigenous deputies will visit us to inform us about the state of progress on this law”, he added.

In La Paz
The Aymara leader Rafael Quispe Flores, Mallku of the Extractive Industries Commission of CONAMAQ, met with leaders of several social movements from La Paz and El Alto.

“We hoped the President would go to Caranavi but now that we are continuing our march the political context in Bolivia is changing because for us there is no going back. We have to get to the city of La Paz where we will maintain our demand that indigenous territories are respected. We have seen that institutions and social movements in La Paz are preparing for all or nothing. They say this government is insensitive and that is not possible. That is what they said to us. We are going to continue with our peaceful march because we have the moral high ground. The institutions will do their work. The President does not know about any of these preparations because being in power he thinks he is Hitler, he wants to consolidate a fascist government but the people will not let him do it. The people will mobilise when the march gets to La Paz”, said Quispe.

In this region the vehicles go along the road right next to the mountains and always on the left hand side, the way they do it in countries such as England. This causes confusion amongst the marchers and also of the Indigenous Guard. The head of the Indigenous Guard tells goes to tell off the person in charge of escorting the march who was leading the march on the right hand side, the way it normally is in the rest of Bolivia.

- Brother, why don´t you understand? This is our route (the left hand lane) and this is dangerous (the right hand lane) – he shouts at him waving his arms. “This is the last time”, he warns the very confused person in charge of escorting the march.

The President of CIDOB clarifies once again that the Eighth Indigenous March does not oppose the construction of the road between Villa Tunari and San Ignacio de Moxos. “We have stated the road must not go through the heart of the TIPNIS but there must be alternatives for another route that does not affect the Chimán, Yuracaré and Mojeño-Trinitario peoples. The government needs to understand this. And as this government is good at lending money they should be able to find the funders to put forward the money needed to change the route of the road so that it does not affect the TIPNIS.

(Communications Commission of the Eighth Indigenous March)

Resumen de noticias TIPNIS 10/10 a las 14:00

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Senadora del MAS anticipa que consulta sobre carretera será a ...
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Los indígenas retoman la marcha y esperan caminar 32 kilómetros
La Razón (Bolivia)
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Yacsik: Gobierno crea falsas expectativas por TIPNIS para frenar ...
La Jornada (Bolivia)
El Diputado del Movimiento Sin Miedo (MSM), Fabián Yacsik, afirmó ayer que el Gobierno crea falsas expectativas de solución al conflicto del TIPNIS y advirtió que la única alternativa es que la marcha indígena llegue a la ciudad de La Paz y el ...

Blogs3 resultados nuevos de tipnis
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según dicken
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según Noticias Bolivia
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Noticias de Bolivia
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La Jornada (Bolivia)
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Exigen proceso de 500 policías que violaron DD.HH.
La Jornada (Bolivia)
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Analista: sectores aprovechan marcha indígenas para meter su pliego
La Jornada (Bolivia)
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El contrato llave en mano de la carretera en el TIPNIS
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